Wanneer: Altijd
Dutch IT Channel Awards: In gesprek met jurylid Stijn Grove van DDA
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Channel, Datacenters, Infrastructuur,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: Emily Glastra van NLdigital over haar werk als jurylid
Tech, Innovation, Dutch IT Channel Awards,
Dutch IT Channel Award Sustainability Innovator of the Year 2024: wie wint?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, sustainability, Sustainable, duurzaamheid,
Dutch IT Channel Awards 2025 uitverkocht!
dutch it awards, event, Dutch IT Channel Awards,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: In gesprek met jurylid Petra Claessen van BTG
Dutch IT Channel Award As a Service Innovator of the Year 2024: wie wint?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, As a Service, Service,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: Jurylid Ruud Alaerds van Dutch Cloud Community aan het woord
Innovation, Tech, Channel, Dutch IT Channel Awards,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: Jurylid Teus Molenaar aan het woord
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Innovation, Tech,
Glennis Grace brengt de Dutch IT Channel Awards tot leven!
Dutch IT Channel Awards, entertainment, People, leisure,
Dries Roelvink brengt een vleugje Hollands Glorie naar de Dutch IT Channel Awards
Dutch IT Channel Awards, entertainment, leisure, Netwerken,
Wie wordt Sales Manager of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, People, management, sales,
Elize presenteert Dutch IT Channel Awards 2025
Dutch IT Channel Awards, People, leisure, entertainment,
Wie wordt Marketing Manager of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, marketing, People, management,
Wie wordt Cloud Vendor of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Cloud, Infrastructuur, datacenter,
Dutch IT Channel Awards: Anita Lussenburg van GTDC over het beoordelen van nominaties
Wie wordt Networking & Edge Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, sustainability, edge computing, edge, Network
Wie wordt Sustainability Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Sustainable, sustaibability, duurzaamheid,
Wie wordt Storage Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Storage, Infrastructuur,
Wie wordt Datacenter Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, datacenter, Datacenters, innovatie,
Wie wordt Software Innovator of the Year 2024?
Dutch IT Channel Awards, Software, applicaties, Development, no code